Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hillary Clinton - in the race to Whitehouse

As the sun shone on the eastern horizon on October 26, in the year 1947, the year of Indian Independence, that a lil’ girl born in the state of Illinois in US, is today the most favoured Democratic candidature for the Presidential post in the US General Election 2008-- Hillary Diana Rodham Clinton.Since her childhood her participation in public welfare activities and various social issues was noteworthy. She had mental keenness in various sport activities too. During her college days, her mettle as a leader was well proved. Her academic excellence coupled with ability to work for the school government made her a unique persona.

Armed with the Law degree from the Yale School in 1973, she went into wedlock in 1975 with the 42nd President of the United States Bill William Clinton. As the Nation’s first lady she exhibited remarkable strength and confidence in balancing the private, public and social life. She has also served as the Arkansas First Lady for 12 long years. Her contribution in the field of education, child health and legal services of Arkansas has been immense. As the US first lady she continued to be a leading advocate with the Health Insurance plans, she did extensive coverage and work on child immunization and creating awareness on health issues.

One cannot deny her existence as a writer too. She had been a regular columnist with Talking it over on which she wrote on various aspects that she saw and experienced as US First Lady. She did also pen a book in 1996 titled It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us and she did receive a Grammy Award for the same.

It was in 2000 that the lady was elected as a Senator for New York State in 2000. As a senator her role had been immense. She felt and understood the needs of the New Yorkers and strived to address majority of the growing concerns. Her role in protecting communities, investing in education, strengthening the children health-care system and improving public health has been quite remarkable contribution in the progress of the state. Rodham Clinton fighting her way with the other Democratic Senator from the state of Illinois named Barack Obama. This community organiser, university lecturer and a civil rights lawyer, son of a Kenyan father and American mother, Barack Obama poses several daunting debates on the way of the democrat Clinton’s race to the Presidential seat in the upcoming US elections 2008.

However, Hillary Clinton felt the optimism and strength within to debate all odds and work more and more to bring about the American Revolution, which is much needed in this time of slowdown in the American History. The US General Elections of 2008, need to provide the leader who would face an array of challenges plaguing the Nation today. The next President of US will inherit the qualms of two wars, a long campaign to curb the global terrorism, a resurgent Russia, growth of China as an international power, the unpredictable political conditions of the oil-rich Middle East countries along with the global issues of environment and health hazards.To achieve all, America needs a leader who would blend all strategies with immense motivation, diplomacy and persuasion. As the race begins, we know not who will hold the mantle....the Republicans or the Democrats for the US General Election 2008. We need to hold on to our views and reviews to know if Hillary Clinton can fight out Barack Obama to contest for the Presidential Post to reintroduce America in the 21st century with much more than just Vision.