Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Obama : US President and its effect on India

Celebrations started in the United States of America as it has its new president; Barack Obama became United States' 44th President but the first African-American man to win the race to the White House. The 47-year-old gentleman is not only an inspirational leader with a vision to CHANGE, but is also a great writer, philosopher and a thinker. A journey from slavery through White House has thus recreated history in its own way.
Barack Obama name will be inscribed in Gold in the history of America and the Americans voted him seeking a new beginning in the changing demographic status of America- a change that Obama vouches to bring about in the United States and that will eventually spill its impact through the entire world; India not to be an exception to receive it.

Most Indians in US voted consciously and subconsciously this man and are obviously happy as his win marks an end to the racially fanatic society. The effect on India seems manifold from the nuclear non-proliferation deal to the never-ending war for the soil of Kashmir; from influx of foreign aid to terrorism; the concerns are many and every Indian will follow his moves in the White House.

On the nuclear front, India might be forced to sign the CTBT (Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty), but India should be prepared for a diplomatic debate to sustain a strategic relation with US.

Second, the growing concern especially in the IT sector is Barack Obama's viewpoint on outsourcing- he had been categorical in his campaign that he would provide with tax-breaks to companies that will create jobs for its own people. India, here, needs to wait again to react to the changes that might evolve with Obama gracing the White House.

Each President of America, in his own way wants to be the peacemaker. Thus, with Barack Obama at the helm of US affairs, might like to play as an interventionist player in the war over Kashmir between India and Pakistan. However, on this issue, India needs to have a stronger viewpoint as Kashmir tension has essentially been a truffle between countries, India and Pakistan, and none other but they themselves can sort it out between them.

That apart, there exist other worries especially on foreign aid, as Obama hinted already that if not the aid is going to be trimmed, the foreign aid influx to India might get delayed.

To strike and ensure continuing dialogue, there are amicable grounds for discussion on issues concerning global warming, fuel and energy crisis, and most important, the fight against international terrorism.

And, as an Indian, I am joining my friends in US to rejoicing (but with caution) Barack Obama's win. More importantly, I am as curious to follow the changes that can augur a beginning of new era.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama or McCain : Wait n Watch !!!

As the world superpower goes to voting its 44th President amidst fear of economic crisis, financial crash with bankruptcy and bail out package being the buzz word, the entire world is keenly following the debate, the policies, the issues and the areas of improvement talked about, by the Democratic leader Barack Hussein Obama and the 72 years old, Republican Senator McCain.

Many might ask that it is America going on election, so what is there on the other side of midnight? The truth is, there is no denying the fact that even with a reflection in reality of a failed leadership of Bush regime, America still dictates the world economy. Everywhere, people will follow the proceedings as Americans go voting before or after their working hours to give shape to America's future. America's Presidential election holds importance everywhere, be it Korea's Kospi, Japan's Nikkei or Indian Sensex. The need of the hour is Wait n Watch.

US Presidential Election has a manifold interest for people to flip on news channels, read through media reports as well post comments on debates. The year 2008, race to Whitehouse got hotter initially with the entry of Hillary Clinton, who raised the bar for American Women. The heat generated continued to refract enthusiasm and gather momentum as the 47 year old Law graduate from Harvard, Barack Obama stepped in with its contrasting reform measures and policies on outsourcing, nuclear proliferation, fighting terrorism and deadline to withdraw troops from Iraq. On the other hand, McCain, still promises to carry on the legacy of Bush administration with regressive thoughts and beliefs of Sarah Palin. So here again it’s the Wait n Watch once more.

The bleeding American economy still has a critical global influence. Hence, it’s President and policies will cause differences even to the common man in the streets of the entire world. The final bell of the world's most robust American Presidential election campaign is about to ring and the rest of the world is waiting to hear its consequences.