Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It is Global Climate Change-Can you feel the heat?

It’s still the month of February, but heat is catching up in this part of the Indian subcontinent. The winter seems over and the mercury has started soaring. One can really feel the effects of global warming and climate change in our daily pattern of living. I am using the term global climatic change just because it’s not limited to only one part of the world, but global warming effects can be typically felt in sum total of all the weather patterns in the world.

Here, in India, it’s the month of March, April and May that the temperature rises. But come 2009 and one has already packed off the woolen garments in January and is gearing up for a very hot summer. With little and almost no northwest monsoon in the months of October, November and December, there is hardly moisture in the soil. And if there is no rain in the month of March, you can be rest assured to feel the Global warming effects.

So, do you need government policy to take few steps to control the harmful consequences of this climate change? Of course not! You will definitely not want the glaciers melting and sea levels rising, but would work your life out as a responsible citizen. The awareness needs to light up your ignorance. So read more find out more and most importantly act judiciously to save our planet, our environment from global warming.

Can we not all do some simple things to make life free from the worries of global warming effects? Little steps taken can go a long way in taking the quantum leap.

  • Did you check that the Television power is switched off before you hit the bed at night?
    Was the geyser on throughout the day? Take care to switch it off in time.
  • Check on all the lights and electric equipments and do not keep the machines in the stand by mode
  • If you are not using your computer even for a short while, ensure that the monitor is switched off.
  • Replace regular incandescent light with CFLs. This is because CFLs use almost 60 percent less energy than a regular bulb. This act alone can save almost 300 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year.
  • The filters on your air conditioners and furnaces need to be cleaned at regular intervals and that can save almost 350 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year.
  • Defrost fridges and freezers at regular intervals.
  • Choose and buy intelligently the electrical appliances so that they save maximum amount of your energy bill and also pollutes the least. Energy-efficient products are the need of the hour.
  • Switch your energy consumption into a greener mode as it is cleaner and renewable source of energy. Examples of green energy are solar energy and wind energy.
  • Reduce road congestion and emission of pollutants in the environment by walking, cycling or car pooling. So simply start off a car pool with your co workers or friends
  • Decrease travel by air.
  • Use more of non-toxic cleaning products and reusable bags and boxes.
  • Try recycling waste products as much as possible and begin using recycled materials.
  • Switch over to organic food consumption. This is because organic soils keep carbon dioxide store at much higher level than soils from conventional farms. So, as you grow more foods organically, one can remove almost 580 pounds of carbon dioxide emission in a year.
  • Conservation of forest is essential. So, last but not the least plant more trees .

These simple steps can really make Earth a better place to live and would give a true meaning to celebrate 'World's Earth Day'


Aruna Sreeram said...

Hmm yes you are right! It's been one of the very hottest February months in Bangalore, and we can expect that it be worse the next couple of months.

When we came down to Bangalore in 1997, I had a neighbor who was not having even a ceiling fan in her house. It will be soon be a history. We now need more cooling solutions for this Air Conditioned(erstwhile) city. And your post whips me saying we should not go for ACs because they release CFCs.

Didn't you know about LED lights

Man's greediness is the prime cause for Global Warming. What do you say?

Ritika said...

I can feel the heat!! Bangalore is much much hotter in summers and colder in winters, than it was, 4 years back. Mercury is already touching 31 degree celcius in feb.. And we still have summers to come..

Lack of trees.. is the one big reason for global warming.. Planting trees is one way out.. but where to plant trees is my question!! Bangalore being the IT Mecca.. entire India is coming here(that includes me as well!!)
.. and we obviously need more houses.. and that means more of concrete forest.. we also want to have metro rail.. There is no end to this.. This is a vicious circle.. I dont know if it is greed or not!!

But.. The small things that you have listed down will definitely help in achieving a larger goal!!

Surprisingly.. One of my roommate was telling me.. Banaglore is very green.. In Mumbai.. its worse.. If you stand on your building's terrace.. you wont be able to find one green spot.. I wonder how Mumbai is..