Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ode to World's Earth Day

Everyone is reeling under the blazing sun, trying to catch a glimpse of the weather report in the news channel, an upsurge in the sale of air-conditioners and even the anorexic women cannot resist a sip of carbonated drinks to quench thirst... is the SUMMERS...on most part of the Indian subcontinent. The headlines of our morning newspaper speak on how to beat this heat as the mercury is soaring higher and higher. There are cool tips on almost everything, from food that one should eat and the perfect sun-screen lotion with the correct SPF number to be put on, from colored camisoles to spaghetti tops that should adorn the closets and various options to spend the summer evening such as sipping a mug of beer at the poolside or dancing to the tune of soft music in a cool air-conditioned ambience with twinkles of dim light all around.

We do all, taking a tip from here and there. But do we ever question as to why this heat on every summer is rising at an increasing rate. Did we ever delve into the reason for this increase in temperature?

The reasons are far too many and people are divided into different groups debating on the causes, concerns and solutions to salvage the extreme weather conditions. The obvious reason which often keeps coming back on our thoughts is the drastic effect of global warming. India is one of the most worst effected country by global warming. A much talked about topic, discussed in forums, actions points jotted in board room meetings to tackle issues concerning global warming but actions are still a far cry.

The soaring temperature of today has an inevitable correlation with the greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. It is this excess of gases in the atmosphere that includes carbon dioxide, water vapour, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone gases that increases the temperature of the planet. We as humans, instead of marauding the ecosystem, need to take conscious measures to prevent emission of these harmful gases into the atmosphere or else we need to be prepared for the doomsday.

Yes, I say it a doomsday, which might read as a horror story, when the Himalayan glacier will melt causing unprecedented flood, rivers will get dried up causing desert like surroundings coupled with shortage of water and mercury will soar higher killing thousands of people. So, to avoid this horrific end, can we not join hands to check the emission of the greenhouse gases?
To combat the adverse effects on every sphere of life from national security to economy as a result of global warming, a strong environment policy need not to be only formulated in black and white but requires implementation under strict supervision and adherence to laid down rules.
Or otherwise the World Earth’s Day of 22nd April will one day transform into doomsday.