Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Smile....the curve that sets everything right !

Before you read this post, just ask when was it last that you have laughed your heart out? Did you smile today? Well, the answer in most cases is not spontaneous. You really need to think hard to recollect when is it that you really laughed with all your 32 teeth (if you still have them intact) out.

In today's modern pace of life, don't you think that we are just slaves of Time chasing a mirage to realize and achieve the Unknown ? Are we conscious enough to realize that in the process we might have stampede the little moments of life that nurtures a bond, a relation? Yet we move on and on adding to our worries and anxieties increasing the stress levels, thereby increasing the release of hormone called Cortisol. In extreme cases, it often lead to memory impairment. Stress also adds to hypertension, has a negative effect on your metabolism and reflect early signs of hair greying and hair falling.

So, why add to these worries to your otherwise hectic life ? Why foot medicine bills? Thus, one can avoid frequent visit to doctors by simply laughing and smiling for a better physical and mental well being.

Simply laugh your way to a better cardiovascular system, respiratory system and metabolic system. The word of advice is, please stop suffering from the syndrome of Seriousness! Life is short, so live it fully to relive each moment for a meaningful existence.

Do you know there is again a release of hormones when you laugh or smile?
Yes, it is the happy hormones called Endorphins that does the trick and tickle and giggle its way to fight stress hormones cortisol.

So, if you are not spontaneous and lacks humor bone, please develop it cautiously and genuinely. There are Laughing Clubs mushrooming in the neighborhood where people of all ages exercise with laughter to continue their day energetically. If you can join one, good enough or else, pass a smile to one and all as you meet and greet on your way to workplace or at home. If you can crack a smile, and strike a conversation, the battle is half won. It decreases your level of anxiety and helps put things things Straight by one Curved Line... yes a true genuine smile.

You can check for yourself... If you are too worried, just stand in-front of a mirror and see your smiling face for few seconds, you are bound to feel better and with continuous practice you master the art of healthy and perfect living. Look through each thing with smiling eyes, soon you will find multiple opportunities from a tiny spark. Look at the funny aspects of life and laugh watching a comedy film or read a funny joke.

So, just take a lil' effort... giggle, chuckle and laugh at work to lift your spirits to greater height!!!!


Aruna Sreeram said...

Yes, Aditi it does set so many things straight, and did you know of the laugh therapy that works wonders? There are people who start their day with laugh-out-loud session as soon as they wake up to kick their endorphins right up working, before even they take a load of caffeine! Good to see you blog again yay!!

Ashwini said...

great post, Aditi! Apparently smiling also gives your face a great workout, because it uses more muscles than other expressions, especially frowning...

Ritika said...

A good, genuine smile :) indeed makes our life eaiser and also makes things easier for people around us. But I really feel.. all those laughing clubs and the 'Laugh out Loud' sessions are not useful.. because i feel the 'laugh' there is fake.. I had a experience.. every weekend around 15 to 20 uncles used to gather outside my PG and suddenly they started laughing.. that was so fake that it seemed that 20 people are shouting and not laughing.. and it acted as an unwanted alarm for all of us ' the sleeping souls'.

So i think sitting with a group of friends and watching a comedy movie will help much more than laughing without any reason.. :)