Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day thoughts

Beautiful is your face,
Gentle is your smile
Warm is your hug
And tender is your touch…

You have cast a ray of sunshine into my mind’s darkest place

Yes, that is you Ma…my mom!!!
Without whom I would not have been what
I am Today…

It’s been days, months and years of
Tireless efforts,
Selfless devotion,
Undaunting courage

And above all
Ocean of Love

To nourish my being and nurture my senses
To grow up…

And will you believe that Today…
I woke up to see a yellow rose on my bedside and got hugged with words whispering in my ears…. It was Happy Mothers’ Day wish from my 5 year old lil’ daughter.

And its here…
I pray on this day to Thy Almighty
That may You grant me the courage and the wisdom to sail on Life’s sea
And help me walk on the footprints of my MOM
So that years down the lane I can
Reminisce resplendent moments of togetherness
In the Sunshine of Today!

1 comment:

Ritika said...

Beautifully written!! so simple, yet so touching.. awesome.. :)

I am again falling short of words.. I can only find my eyes moist when I read the way in which you were wished mother's day.. too good.. I am overwhelmed :)

I really salute all the Moms.. I sometimes dont understand from where they get so much strength.. I often wonder how can a single person take care of everybody non stop and give her entire life..