Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Nanadan Nilekani back in action with LPG database as platform for UIC project

Yet to take over officially, but Nandan Nilekani cannot sit quiet and hence he began with his new job by meeting with oil minister Murli Deora and minister of state Jitin Prasad. The reason is that the database for cooking gas is huge and he can begin the mammoth task of creating unique citizen-Id cards by taking the first step in this direction.

What Nilekani expressed to do?
The Infosys co-founder decided to run a pilot project in the cities of Hyderabad, Pune and Bangalore where he will instruct to issue smart cards to kerosene and cooking gas consumers. Murli Deora is also impressed with the idea as he feels that in this way the government can keep a track on who receives the kerosene and cooking gas sole.

Presently 11 crore consumers is served by 9350 cooking gas dealers. This huge database will lay the foundation for the standardization and synchronization of data.

Before the clock starts ticking, UIC project has already made bold start.

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