Monday, January 7, 2008

In Search of Happiness

A Search of Life….What we humans search in our day to day existence? Do we all know what is it that keeps us kicking in life & ticking with time ?

Esconsed in the couch with a book on her chest, she mumbles to herself the REASON of LIFE.
Is it the mere existence?Just getting up each morning ,going to work the whole day to buy few thousand dollars to come back home & sleep tight to wake up for another day ..This is the life of the people who just live to sustain each day. They know not what tomorrow holds for them. As the sun rises in the East they walk out to the calls of DESTINY. Have they ever questioned themselves as to where, what, why & how they LIVE.A thought which have often crisscrossed my understanding of LIFE.

Are they happy? Do they suffer?Is the feeling of sadness creeps into their existence?..Do they FEEL the feelings of LIFE .. or is it that they live LIFE as it comes.This is a strata of people belonging to our own society.They are large in number & ever if they question there might be a REVOLUTION !!They have no luxury to feel the feelings but I make myself believe that they do enjoy & are happy because they live for another day & their WANTS from life is minimal.
It is in this society of ours only where we have another class of people who have the luxury to dance to the rhythm of raindrops … Have the time to listen to the songs of the birds from the faraway lands…Believes in the flow of the rivers in the mountain terrain..They work each day to achieve something higher, something greater than LIFE…In this pursuit of material gain & comfort they lose on to the charm of Living…

However are they happy?.. These strata of people can question as what is HAPPINESS?!
A fleeting moment? .. a recollection where you sit & smile..?.. A gesture which can make another person feel good? A deed of kindness bringing a ray of light in the eyes of a deprived child ? A warm hug from your loved ones ? A moment of togetherness ? Sipping a cup of Hot coffee together in a chilly wintry morning…

Do we buy these moments with the thousand dollars we earn?Do we feel these moments just because we have a hefty bank balance?Do we live & relive these minutes just because we know we have a better tomorrow…
The answer to me & me alone is No! … never !!

It is a state of mind …. You can never be happy if you do not want to be…Yes a WANT ?? a want is what defines your way of life… A want is what defines your attitude & it is this WANT that I feel we need to put a rein into to feel the Happiness in Life ‘s Living…

She comes back to reality … back again to the journey of Life like the other 364 days, let the search for Happiness continue … are you chasing it ?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really liked the flowery language. Keep it up....