Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Is it a New Year or the Old Habits in a new way?

The unthinkable attack on humanity that held the city Mumbai and kept hostage the entire Nation left me numb. More than 30 days have passed by…
Where we and what are we doing?
Did the flicker of the candle get blown away in the snow storm of verbose thoughts? Here we are today standing with fear in our mind and head bowed down, quite contrary to Rabindranath Tagore’s ode of "Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high…

As you, I and all around us except the families who have lost their dearest and nearest ones will again usher in the New Year with renewed hope, zest and vigor, but this time punctuated with horripilate eeriness.

They did what they wanted to do. Killed many mercilessly, Orphaned many more and shaken the very existence of one’s being only to prove their Jihad.

But, what did we do? Arrange for debates, talk shows and salute the brave heroes…
Get a better TPR for the channels and promote products striking the emotional chord and selling words, encashing on the tragedy-This is what the Fourth Estate had to do!!!
And our inept, clumsy, slugabed politicians donate 5 lakhs for the lives we salute, quite contrary to crores that you shower on a boy born with a golden spoon to bring home gold in the Olympics… What is the principle and where is the logic?
An answer that I dare not expect from a bunch of clumsy, careless and corrupt people who live like parasites and have silently shaken the roots of our Nation.

We are going door to door seeking international unison to put to justice the perpetrators…Why?
Are we not liable and capable to protect our own people?
No, just because we don’t owe our Nation. We do not owe our people. It’s just the loss of individual families and you react only when it hurts your bum.
It’s just a Reaction with no Action because killing 400 odd lives in the land of billion populations cannot create an upheaval to change the Nation that is dominated by Politicians worse than Terrorists.
I say this because Mumbai incident brought in a terror face while our Netas are faceless terror that engulfs our existence and shrouds our being like a cobweb.

35 days… and still the identification parade is being held for the lone surviving terrorist. With evidences in our hand, we are diverting attention to different issues just because we are involved in our selfish motives.

It’s hurting but it’s true… if your mom knew you from fetus; terrorists know you till your corpse!

So it’s not this New Year but each day that you need to celebrate being alive amidst fear n insecurity, hoping and praying silently for A Wednesday to happen in reality!!!

1 comment:

Ritika said...

"Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high".. I feel fear has become so much a part of our life now a days that we dont even realise.. or I should say terror attacks have become so frequent that we know that one is round the near in near future.. ( I truly pray that nothing like this ever happens)..
We are so helpless about terrorism!! Honestly speaking I dont feel like talking about it because I cant do anything about it but be a mere spectator.. I cant even say "lets not get bogged down by terrorists.. We should not let our spirit sink" its easier said than done.. because i cant even think of the pain victims of terrorism undergo(Be it the soldiers or the common man)

Leave alone the politicians!! (They are out of scope)