Friday, January 16, 2009

Fight life with Fear staying United

As another day dawns and you sit with a morning cup of steaming coffee to browse through the newspaper, you should not be surprized to read churches are attacked, suicidal rates are increasing and your value of money is experiencing a free fall. Thus, we are being asked consciously, carefully and categorically to live in fear each day with… rising prices, job cuts, scams, frauds and getting killed or paralyzed by a terrorist.
Everywhere the tittle-tattle is on, living amidst Fear but who cares?

As we get up to tie the snicker laces for a half-a-mile jogging on the tracks, we forget that the news write-ups have affected someone somewhere. We fail to recognize them or feel repulsive or even impulsive to act just because it did not happen to me. However, it is believed that we cannot blame us. As because the system is running and if we you fail to take the lead, the axe might be on your shoulder. So, our daily chores force us to move ahead trampling anything and everything that comes under our feet. So, live your life first is the motto of this generation. But, not being collective brings with it the horror of terror-driven life, where no one is bothered about none, and everyone thus living in fear that it might happen to them one day.

The thought needs a change, action needs a reaction… the undeniable truth is Unity is Strength, so why not we unite under the umbrella of Humanity and take a step forward to feel for each to live free. Instead of a robotic way of life, why can’t each one of us spare some time and share a joke or ask with empathy as to how are your next door neighbor’s family people? Will it take too much of your measured time? The answer is a vehement NO. Just try out and you can feel the change, start it with one to make it with the Rest…

Take a kit-kat break on a monotonous daily life to add humor to it, instead of taking stress reliever pills. Why not, laugh aloud, instead of timing your workouts? It is well researched, surveyed and published in varied journals, that advocates happiness is the key to a successful, stress free and longer living. So, no need to restrict carbs on diet or put facial packs, instead feel happy from within to reflect cheerful demeanor and radiant skin.

The adage “Don’t worry, Be happy” needs to be implemented consciously to tide over volatile situations, joining hands all together, apart from defining a Purpose of Life to live longer and healthier than the rest.

It should not be I am existing in Fear instead it should be We are Fighting Fear to be Happy !!!

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