Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dreams: The psychological content of a physiological state

From poets to artists, from fairy tale stories to scientific theories, there has been varied interpretation, myths and understanding surrounding dreams. Since ancient times, Sigmund Frued’s book Interpretation of Dreams to modern day experiment have made several attempts to question what goes on within our mind when we are sleeping.

Dream is an experience; an involuntary action that occurs during the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of our sleep that can last from few seconds to hours. Dreams do occur in other stages of sleep too but then that is less memorable. Dreams reflect a world of imagery in our subconscious state of living and link our emotion to the deepest core secrets of our heart and mind.

Many theories suggest that by understanding your dreams you get a better insight on your life’s perspective. So, the imperative question that comes in our mind is…

What causes Dreams?
According to the Freudian school of thought dreams result from the subconscious thoughts while the other extreme school explains dreams as some noise in our neurons that has no special meaning.

Whatever be it Dreams are powerful and real. They can really help you unlock the hidden talents within you. There are several types of dreams and they are categorized into different segments based on factors such as content, occurrence and many more.

Repetitive Dreams: Dreams that keep on repeating themselves since a young age. This dream implies that there is a message within it and one needs to unlock to know the content. Psychoanalyst helps to solve this situation, as there might be some dark secrets of life and one simply pushes it to the unconscious state.

Message dreams: Here individuals peep into the pool of wisdom and tries to understand the message of his unconscious state. These dreams are like stories and always have something to unravel. Message dreams are sometimes repetitive dreams too.

Lucid Dream: Lucid dream is one in which you have a direct control because you are aware that you are dreaming. In this kind of dream you can also decide as what to dream. In a lucid dream, the dreamers wake themselves up once they realize that it was only a dream. An active participation by the dreamer occurs in this kind of dream.

And finally it is the negative dreams that are termed nightmares.

Other classification of dreams includes Astral dreams, Aspirational dreams and Release dreams based on their content.

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