Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Another plane disaster on the Indian Ocean- Yemeni crashes in Comoros

With 150 people on board a Yemeni airplane crashed into the Indian Ocean. Reports indicate that there is simply no hope of any survivors. This Airbus 310 was a connecting flight from Paris and is believed to be not very far from Moroni. The plane crashed near the Comoron archipelago that is about only 300 kms to the northwest of Madagascar. Once again it is believed that rough weather caused this crash. The accident happened in the wee hours of Tuesday.

Comoros is a group of three small islands, Anjouan, Grande Comore and Moheli in the Mozambique Channel.

Air disasters are striking hard these days. It was in this same month that Air France plane A320 crashed into the Atlantic on its flight from Rio de Janeiro to Paris. Here again, it was turbulent weather condition that claimed lives of all 228 people on board.

Again it was only in the month of February that a passenger plane crashed in New York and claimed lives of 49 people on board.

Rescue operation for the Yemeni air crash is on.

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