Monday, June 22, 2009

Just shampoo to wash off your grey hairs

The secret behind your No Grey Hair at the age of 40 will no longer be the hair color from trusted brands of L’Oreal and Garnier and neither it is your healthy diet, regular henna conditioning or hot oil massage. Then what it is the secret of this beauty?

Technology and innovation has stepped into this area as well and in no time you will find your self purchasing hair shampoo, hair cream or conditioner that will be capable to wash off your gray hair. The research is ongoing and we are hopeful of positive outcomes.

Why your hair does start graying?
Its not the hard years that you have put up to show signs of wisdom, instead scientifically it’s the melanocytes, the pigment producing cells that die or work less to produce the hair color. This is because those melanocytes lack an enzyme called TRP-2 that is important to protect the cell from losing its pigment.

The ongoing research stresses on this biological thread. They are trying to reawaken the cells by imitating the enzyme action on hair follicles. If it succeeds then not only hair color can be maintained for longer duration but the process of graying can be reversed as well.

It is considered as a revolutionary discovery and it will save people lot of money and worry. However the flipside to it is it that it might not work so great for ones who have very dark hair color as their eyebrows might turn to be grey.

Nevertheless graying hair has a solution other than coloring and streaking by itself is a great idea. So wait and watch as this beauty secret blooms into a product and becomes the buzzword in lifestyle segment.

1 comment:

Ritika said...

Very interesting.. It indeed is a good news for a lot of mid-age people(40 something), for whom it becomes little difficult to accept that they are slowly stepping into a different phase of life with every single graying hair :) [No offence.. they have all the rights to look young.. I know I am too young to comment like this!!]

This will be really helpful for a lot of young people who are facing the problem of graying hair at a very early age because of continous stress.

And I believe.. Looks wont really matter.. when you are forever
6teen at heart!!