Thursday, February 26, 2009

Tata Motors’ People’s car Nano to hit headlines on March 23rd

The much awaited $2000 priced Nano is to hit the Indian roads on March 23rd, bringing an end of year long speculation and criticism after the Auto Expo in January 2008. Speculation as to whether at all Tata Motors would be able to deliver to the promise made by their chairman Ratan Tata with severe problems plaguing the original Singur plant and criticisms on the forefront from adding congestion to the Indian roads to being a cheap vehicle to accelerate further pollution and global warming.

But, I beg to differ here with regards to criticisms meted out against Tata Nano from environmentalists, media people to anti-industrialization intellectuals. This is because Ratan Tata’s Nano is just not the car of Tata Motors, it’s a people’s car and quite importantly India will once again reiterate its stand as a power to recon with in the international arena with quality standards. The launch of Tata Nano calls for a celebration as it is going to make a paradigm shift in the auto industry.

Tata Nano is criticized on the grounds of consumerism and congesting of roads. Why can’t our anti-globalization leaders also take into account the benefits from trickle-down hypothesis? With the launch of Nano and its subsequent manufacturing, it will trigger demand and help create job opportunities for many especially in this time of recession. The job creation will not remain restricted to the auto industry, it will be created in infrastructure sector too as India will require more roads and flyovers.

Many speak of Nano adding to pollution. But then, do you know that Tata Motors’ Nano is Euro IV compliant and moreover aren’t there too many government buses running on the Indian roads in dilapidated condition adding fuel to further carbon-dioxide emissions? So, why blame Nano that is already complying with International pollution control norms.

Moreover why not appreciate that it will help realize the dreams of many in this land of billion populations. Tata Nano will help many to experience a four-wheeler ride for whom driving was a far cry as it is only riding.

So, if you are convinced of buying a Tata Nano, cough up Rs 70,000 as the advance booking which is scheduled to begin in April. The standard model of Tata Nano will be available at Rs. 1 lac while the other two variants is expected to be priced at Rs. 1.24 lacs and Rs.1.34 lacs.

Tata Nano booking- Where you can do?
State Bank of India has gone into an agreement with Tata Motors and it is expected that initially 100 branches of SBI will cater to Tata Nano booking besides the Tata Motors dealers. The online booking of Tata Nano is yet to take off.

Further reading on Tata Nano... check the links

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Beat Stress Spiritually

In this time of economic meltdown, crashing portfolio wealth, job losses, pay cut and everything that brings a frown to your face, there is a perpetual tension and that reflects in everyday living. Stress seems to have overwhelmed our selves and we are simply plunging into greater darkness of ignorance.

Here are few simply day to day things that can help you light up a candle hoping for a brighter tomorrow that you can live with a radiant face and beaming confidence.

  • Do not lose confidence and trust in your self. Believe in the hidden talent of your self and proclaim to the world that you are the best, not in loud words but in great and kind deeds. You need to constantly and consciously say yourself that time is fleeting and change is only constant; so a cycle of bad days will bring in time of good fortune.

  • Connect with yourself. In praying lies not only solace but strength too. So connect with the God within you by a regular prayer twice a day. It need not be chanting prayers, lighting candles or putting incense sticks to create the right ambience in front of an idol for worshipping; it can be simply reiterating any favorite lines within your soul, as you begin the day and at night when you take leave from your chores and hit your bunkers.

  • Discipline your mind and body. Try doing regular exercise, walking a mile, stretching for 30 minutes or just take a swim to fill your senses with fodder enough to chew for the rest of the day. Try incorporate deep breathing techniques in your daily schedule of things and feel the magic of meditation.

  • Listen to your inner voice, as it keeps resonating within you. It’s your conscience that is your greatest companion, so never betray your conscience. Let it reign supreme amidst turbulent times, so that you come out stronger with passing days and your peace of mind is not disturbed.

  • At the end, if you are a believer of Destiny, then continue doing your work honestly and live sincerely without any expectation of the outcome. It is Work that is Worship, so Keep working for the good of others, in no time you will find your platter filled with abundance of joy, happiness and success.

Friday, February 20, 2009


How often I nurture in my thoughts
The times that we shared in our yesteryears
How often I recollect in my mind
The moments of togetherness

How often I get nostalgic
To recollect and relive the days and nights
Of laughter and fun; Of joy and sorrow
Of splits of fights and seconds of understanding

And today amidst frenzied pace of life
In search of happiness
Sold my time for causes rife

Sailing rudderless in the fathomless ocean of Life
I simply Thank for living in Friendship!!!

A relation that cannot be defined; a relationship that has no need; A relationship that is above all. Yes, I believe Friendship is one relation where you can exercise your choice. Yes, all relationships are forced upon us by birth. It is only friends that we choose to live with. So Friendship comes with no extra baggage, it comes with no ownership tag.

Friendship is like a free bird.
Let it soar high in the sky of faith and empathy…
Let it get drowned in the sea of love and
Let it live in our daily living so that we can walk a mile with a smile.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It is Global Climate Change-Can you feel the heat?

It’s still the month of February, but heat is catching up in this part of the Indian subcontinent. The winter seems over and the mercury has started soaring. One can really feel the effects of global warming and climate change in our daily pattern of living. I am using the term global climatic change just because it’s not limited to only one part of the world, but global warming effects can be typically felt in sum total of all the weather patterns in the world.

Here, in India, it’s the month of March, April and May that the temperature rises. But come 2009 and one has already packed off the woolen garments in January and is gearing up for a very hot summer. With little and almost no northwest monsoon in the months of October, November and December, there is hardly moisture in the soil. And if there is no rain in the month of March, you can be rest assured to feel the Global warming effects.

So, do you need government policy to take few steps to control the harmful consequences of this climate change? Of course not! You will definitely not want the glaciers melting and sea levels rising, but would work your life out as a responsible citizen. The awareness needs to light up your ignorance. So read more find out more and most importantly act judiciously to save our planet, our environment from global warming.

Can we not all do some simple things to make life free from the worries of global warming effects? Little steps taken can go a long way in taking the quantum leap.

  • Did you check that the Television power is switched off before you hit the bed at night?
    Was the geyser on throughout the day? Take care to switch it off in time.
  • Check on all the lights and electric equipments and do not keep the machines in the stand by mode
  • If you are not using your computer even for a short while, ensure that the monitor is switched off.
  • Replace regular incandescent light with CFLs. This is because CFLs use almost 60 percent less energy than a regular bulb. This act alone can save almost 300 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year.
  • The filters on your air conditioners and furnaces need to be cleaned at regular intervals and that can save almost 350 pounds of carbon dioxide in a year.
  • Defrost fridges and freezers at regular intervals.
  • Choose and buy intelligently the electrical appliances so that they save maximum amount of your energy bill and also pollutes the least. Energy-efficient products are the need of the hour.
  • Switch your energy consumption into a greener mode as it is cleaner and renewable source of energy. Examples of green energy are solar energy and wind energy.
  • Reduce road congestion and emission of pollutants in the environment by walking, cycling or car pooling. So simply start off a car pool with your co workers or friends
  • Decrease travel by air.
  • Use more of non-toxic cleaning products and reusable bags and boxes.
  • Try recycling waste products as much as possible and begin using recycled materials.
  • Switch over to organic food consumption. This is because organic soils keep carbon dioxide store at much higher level than soils from conventional farms. So, as you grow more foods organically, one can remove almost 580 pounds of carbon dioxide emission in a year.
  • Conservation of forest is essential. So, last but not the least plant more trees .

These simple steps can really make Earth a better place to live and would give a true meaning to celebrate 'World's Earth Day'

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Make Him feel special on the Valentines Day

As Valentines Day is all about roses, chocolates, poems and mushy valentine cards, it is more of a day when the men go all out to impress their loved ones in an unique style. But, here in today, I want to write a post where doing simple things you can surprise the guy on a valentine’s day so that he takes care of you similarly the rest of your life. (Phew! Asking for too much … Never mind we all live for tomorrow in the world of expectations with hopes and dreams)

For some time you forget the Valentine red roses and the funky jewelry, instead concentrate your thoughts on him and try to make the Valentines day extra special for him without any over-priced valentine gifts and cards.

Here are few tips as to how to make valentine day thoughtful for you and filled with surprises for him.

As the adage goes that The easiest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. So, why not prepare a special valentine meal for him. Cook for him all the good dishes that he freaks on and surprise him with a candle-lit dinner with his favorite platter filled with sumptuous meals.

Hardly there is any man who does not freak on electronic gadgets. So, update yourself on the latest fads and speak about it with information and enthusiasm. The aim is to strike the right conversation to make him feel that extra special on Valentines Day.

Concentrate on the minutest details of your partner. Starting from the car keys in the morning to the coffee at night before he hits the bed, be extra-attentive. If you can be that little thoughtful you can leave some love notes either in his wallet or on the dashboard of the car.

If you are not staying together, then arrange for a dream date all by yourself and believe me it won’t cost you a dime. What you can do is speak a lot on both of yourselves such as things that you both want to do together, dreams that you chase, places you both wish to travel. Then jot them down on this Valentine’s Day with love and chase them to make it a reality for a meaningful tomorrow.

So, that extra step and little concern in a thoughtful way on this Valentine’ Day can go a long way to create that strong bond of eternal love.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Melt your valentine heart with gourmet chocolates on a valentines day

In these days of recession where every cent is to be counted, you can keep your valentine day gift simple and well within budget with some valentine candies nicely wrapped in a gift basket. Valentines Day is all about chocolates, candies and roses. It’s just how you gift your valentine to ignite the romantic feelings and to bedazzle her beyond expectation is what matters the most.

If you have a budget of say $10 you can make your valentine jump with joy as she receives a 4-inch valentine chocolate frog on a white chocolate lily pad wrapped with colorful ribbons, while the valentine chocolate hearts range from $5-$11.

Did you know that chocolates has been used as a gift since the days of Aztec and is rightly associated with the food of God?

It’s not about only eating the dark chocolate and feeling the sensuality but it includes all; from receiving a nicely wrapped box of Belgian chocolates, to unwrapping it, to feeling the exquisite pleasure of melting the same in the mouth. So, you can begin the evening of love with a box of assorted chocolates ranging from caramels, pralines, ganaches to truffles. Well, if you know which chocolate is the favorite of your valentine, you can place an order for a customized box too and if it’s above $50, you can get your valentine chocolates delivered at her doorstep free of cost.

In this Valentines Day, you can also choose to celebrate your love with delicious irresistible Godiva chocolates. The chocolates might not last long but what lingers on the mind is the loving sentiment and emotion of the person who gifts it with love. While if your valentine freaks on chocolates you can simply overwhelm her with Ghiradelli Chocolate bars.

Do not be disheartened if your loved one can’t eat sugar, as you can find lots of sugar-free candies too. You can check on the Vermont Country store and pick and choose from a variety of categories by clicking on the following link

One can also try the for the chocolate dipped fretzels on a valentines day that has some great gourmet chocolates to savor the taste buds such as Pomegranate Bellini (champagne flavored white chocolate with dusted sugar crystals and sprinkled with sweet pomegranate flavor). You can also fill your valentines day with sweet sayings by gifting a box of chocolate wrapped fortune cookies.

And what is the traditional valentine day chocolate box look like?
It’s a red heart shaped box filled with assorted chocolates and tied with red ribbon. You can make it extra special by simply placing a long-stemmed red rose on its top with your recorded message of love.

Dark or white, truffles or bars, chocolate wrapped strawberries or cookies to assorted boxes and gifts baskets…is all that you need just to say...

Will you be my Valentine?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Say it with Valentine Roses on Valentines Day

Wondering what to gift your valentine on this Valentines Day? No other message of love on this romantic day can match the beauty of Valentine roses. Be it either a bunch of resplendent valentine roses or simply a single long-stemmed red rose representing simplicity. And why is it that Valentines Day answers only to the cupid’s call of Red roses?

Roses come in variety of colors ranging from pink signifying admiration and gratitude, yellow reflecting friendship, white for innocence and purity, while orange is for passion and if you fall in love at first sight all you need to do is gift your valentine a lavender rose. But, it is Red roses that signify love in deepest and most passionate way.

Red roses are symbol of love and it dates back to mythological period as it was the color of Greek Goddess of Love. Again, red roses were also used in marriage ceremonies to bond love forever.

Today, with technological advancements and growth of internet business, sending wishes in a floral way online is now just a mouse click away. Just browse the net and you will find several websites offering services to send your valentine roses to your valentines who might be in different locations or your next-door girl. The varieties of bouquet ranges from carnations with red roses, blooming valentine roses in a red vase to valentine flowers decorated in a heart style and tag it along with a cuddly bear.

The most exciting valentine’s gift that can make your valentines day happening and memorable is to Say Your Way the everlasting love message with valentine flowers. As you place an order for your bouquet, you can record your personal message over the phone on receiving order confirmation. Your valentine will simply be delighted to hear your message in your own voice while receiving the bouquet with that smile and gleam on her eyes. Record your voice with and make your valentine feel that extra special in less than $50.

The best is to book your valentine flowers in advance so that you are not disappointed with stocks and you can also save some bucks in the bargain as discounts and sale. There are several valentine flower hampers available in the price range $20 to $432. Yes, the price tag of $432 is for a 1 feet cuddly teddy with 500 roses decorated with candies and chocolates. As you browse through the internet, you would be amazed at the variety of styles in which a message of love can be sent to your valentines. For variety, I happened to click the and you might browse it as well for they guarantee delivery of freshest flowers on same day order.

So, just take care to pick the roses in a thoughtful way and customize them with your creative mind to bring that elusive smile on your valentine’s face.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Why Valentines Day?

Love is in the air and with the call of cuckoo; it’s the search of valentine gift for your valentines that is making all the noise amidst the fragrance of valentine flowers. With the dark clouds of recession, economic slowdown, job loss and what not, you can still feel the magic of Valentine day if you have a heart that pulsates, a mind that searches and a soul that is stirred with the murmur of the leaves and rippling of the brook.

Check out my week long blog posts dedicated to all Valentines worldwide from scouting for valentine gifts, sending valentine wishes in a unique way to how to win your valentines heart with the best valentine ideas.

Before that, did you know when Valentine’s Day got commercialized or what is the story behind sending the Archie’s or Hallmark Valentine card and with the post offices making the right business during this month of romantic February?

Mystery shrouds like a mist as we explore the history of Valentines Day. Besides fanciful legends, Valentines Day is associated with Roman tradition and Christian vestiges. All that most of us know is that this day of 14th February is associated with some St. Valentine.

One story is that King Claudius II of Rome was a stone-hearted man who believed that men without any family bonding made better soldiers. Hence he denounced and outlawed marriages in his empire. The Saint Valentine, priest, there realized the injustice of the decree and he secretly continued to perform marriages of young lovers. However, when he was caught doing this act, St. Valentine suffered martyrdom on 14th February about the year 270 AD.

Some legend says that when Claudius II caught St Valentine performing the rites of marriage secretly, he was thrown into jail and was pronounced death sentence. But there, he left a farewell note for the prison guard’s daughter who had become his friend and signed it as From your Valentine.

In no time St. Valentine’s popularity grew from a heroic figure to a romantic icon and by the Middle Ages he was the most popular saint in France and England.

Again Christian legends revolve around the feast of Lupercalia, a fertility festival dedicated to Roman God of agriculture Faunus. On the eve of this festival name of Roman girls were written and placed in a jar. Each young man would draw the names of girls from the jar and would remain as partners during the festival. In many occasions the pairing lasted an eternal bondage.

Gradually 14th February marked the day of exchanging love notes and literary creativity with poems and valentine gifts rose to greater height. It was in 1800s that introduction of commercial valentine began. Since then and till now behind the veil of St. Valentine there is Valentine cards, Valentine gifts, Valentine ideas, Valentine flowers to Valentine sayings…. All with a Cupid’s heart !!!