Friday, February 20, 2009


How often I nurture in my thoughts
The times that we shared in our yesteryears
How often I recollect in my mind
The moments of togetherness

How often I get nostalgic
To recollect and relive the days and nights
Of laughter and fun; Of joy and sorrow
Of splits of fights and seconds of understanding

And today amidst frenzied pace of life
In search of happiness
Sold my time for causes rife

Sailing rudderless in the fathomless ocean of Life
I simply Thank for living in Friendship!!!

A relation that cannot be defined; a relationship that has no need; A relationship that is above all. Yes, I believe Friendship is one relation where you can exercise your choice. Yes, all relationships are forced upon us by birth. It is only friends that we choose to live with. So Friendship comes with no extra baggage, it comes with no ownership tag.

Friendship is like a free bird.
Let it soar high in the sky of faith and empathy…
Let it get drowned in the sea of love and
Let it live in our daily living so that we can walk a mile with a smile.


Ritika said...

Even am feeling nostalgic now.. About the times I have spent with my school friends, with my hostel friends.. These are the moments that will be cherished forever..

One thing I have realized is.. We definitely cant live without friendship.. Doesnt matter if you are very close to someone or not.. You have to have some companionship in some form..

I have met so so many people in my school, hostel.. Have laughed, sang, done the craziest thing on this earth with them..

But there are very very few with whom I have cried, with whom I have sat quite endlessly.. I might be a little orthodox in this but I feel true friends are very very rare..

Also 'friends forever' is a very rare phenomenon..

Very truely said.. "A relationship that has no need" But I somehow feel(from the little experience I have) that it is too good and pure a situation to exists.. It is next to impossible to have a relationship that has no need.. I would love to experience this!! :)

I want to ask you a thing.. Does friendship still hold the same meaning in your life as it used to in your yesteryears?

It really feels good to read the way you have described friendship.. :)

Aditi said...

Hi Ritika,

It was a sudden outburst of emotion on Friendship. True it cam efrom the nib of my pen but I felt it from the core of my heart.

Friendship still holds the same meaning into my life.... Yes it does the way it used to be in my school years... What has changed is its Expressions and Reflections !!!

Ritika said...

Hi :)
I guess.. I can understand partially(if not fully).. when you say the reflection and expression has changed!!

I always felt that as we grow, there are so many things to take care off that we start forgetting this part in life..