Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Make Him feel special on the Valentines Day

As Valentines Day is all about roses, chocolates, poems and mushy valentine cards, it is more of a day when the men go all out to impress their loved ones in an unique style. But, here in today, I want to write a post where doing simple things you can surprise the guy on a valentine’s day so that he takes care of you similarly the rest of your life. (Phew! Asking for too much … Never mind we all live for tomorrow in the world of expectations with hopes and dreams)

For some time you forget the Valentine red roses and the funky jewelry, instead concentrate your thoughts on him and try to make the Valentines day extra special for him without any over-priced valentine gifts and cards.

Here are few tips as to how to make valentine day thoughtful for you and filled with surprises for him.

As the adage goes that The easiest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. So, why not prepare a special valentine meal for him. Cook for him all the good dishes that he freaks on and surprise him with a candle-lit dinner with his favorite platter filled with sumptuous meals.

Hardly there is any man who does not freak on electronic gadgets. So, update yourself on the latest fads and speak about it with information and enthusiasm. The aim is to strike the right conversation to make him feel that extra special on Valentines Day.

Concentrate on the minutest details of your partner. Starting from the car keys in the morning to the coffee at night before he hits the bed, be extra-attentive. If you can be that little thoughtful you can leave some love notes either in his wallet or on the dashboard of the car.

If you are not staying together, then arrange for a dream date all by yourself and believe me it won’t cost you a dime. What you can do is speak a lot on both of yourselves such as things that you both want to do together, dreams that you chase, places you both wish to travel. Then jot them down on this Valentine’s Day with love and chase them to make it a reality for a meaningful tomorrow.

So, that extra step and little concern in a thoughtful way on this Valentine’ Day can go a long way to create that strong bond of eternal love.


Ritika said...

Nice one!! :)I am sure it will help all the girls if they can update themselves with the latest happenings in cricket and tennis..

Aruna Sreeram said...

Those are great tippos! Ya know? I keep myself updated about latest technology to build rapport with my cousins and young people in my colony (yes you need to have command on subjects they prefer to talk). So how had been your candle-lit dinner with your lover and better half?