Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Beat Stress Spiritually

In this time of economic meltdown, crashing portfolio wealth, job losses, pay cut and everything that brings a frown to your face, there is a perpetual tension and that reflects in everyday living. Stress seems to have overwhelmed our selves and we are simply plunging into greater darkness of ignorance.

Here are few simply day to day things that can help you light up a candle hoping for a brighter tomorrow that you can live with a radiant face and beaming confidence.

  • Do not lose confidence and trust in your self. Believe in the hidden talent of your self and proclaim to the world that you are the best, not in loud words but in great and kind deeds. You need to constantly and consciously say yourself that time is fleeting and change is only constant; so a cycle of bad days will bring in time of good fortune.

  • Connect with yourself. In praying lies not only solace but strength too. So connect with the God within you by a regular prayer twice a day. It need not be chanting prayers, lighting candles or putting incense sticks to create the right ambience in front of an idol for worshipping; it can be simply reiterating any favorite lines within your soul, as you begin the day and at night when you take leave from your chores and hit your bunkers.

  • Discipline your mind and body. Try doing regular exercise, walking a mile, stretching for 30 minutes or just take a swim to fill your senses with fodder enough to chew for the rest of the day. Try incorporate deep breathing techniques in your daily schedule of things and feel the magic of meditation.

  • Listen to your inner voice, as it keeps resonating within you. It’s your conscience that is your greatest companion, so never betray your conscience. Let it reign supreme amidst turbulent times, so that you come out stronger with passing days and your peace of mind is not disturbed.

  • At the end, if you are a believer of Destiny, then continue doing your work honestly and live sincerely without any expectation of the outcome. It is Work that is Worship, so Keep working for the good of others, in no time you will find your platter filled with abundance of joy, happiness and success.

1 comment:

Ritika said...

The simple things you have mentioned are very very powerful..

Praying at least once in a day in whatever form we are comfortable with, gives a lot of positive energy.. We tend to do right things(I feel so)..

Regular exercise, walking, or doing anything that we just love to do helps a lot in destressing.. I have experienced this when i play badminton.. If I play two good games of badminton, I guess I free myself from all the stress that I accumulated the entire day..

But I only wish that I can follow everything what you told..

I just finished reading this book called 'The Secret'(Dont Know if you know about it.. Will give it to you).. It says that if you believe in something you really want and start feeling it before it actually is yours.. you will get it(This is law of attraction).. This book has amused me so much that I feel that the book is either an utter crap or it really is 'the secret' of life..

And no one will ever have a problem of stress and tension if you realise this secret and follow it.. Am too confused about it.. :)