Thursday, January 29, 2009

Aid to Pakistan continues…Does Obama administration have the answer?

In spite of repeated proclaims that international terrorism has roots embedded in the soils of Pakistan…the flow of funds in the form of World Bank and IMF aid continues. Why?
Pakistan has always been bailed out, doled out by unheard moves and unseen gestures… the question remains as why?

Since the year 1952, Pakistan has always been receiving foreign aid of varied types for specific purposes. But where did all the funds go? Did the aid help transform Pakistan to a healthier state economically? The truth lies in the gruesome statistical numbers of literacy, education, quality of living. Since then and till now, nearly 75 percent population lives hand to mouth with income of not more than $2 a day. Apart from this, check on their foreign reserve that is dwindling and is almost negligible. So, once again and one more time Pakistan wants soft loans and who else but US needs to dole out Pakistan. Again US is the major trade partner of Pakistan. Apart from US, Pakistan receives aid from China too. With the recent moves, almost 27 signatures made on the dotted lines with respect to space technology, defense and further trading relation with China.

To survive Pakistan needs the aid… and why cannot we simply stop giving aid and sever ties with a country that is unleashing terror on all fronts. The answer is simple, the closest allies of Pakistan need this country for their own geopolitical reasons.

India is still watching, only contemplating on Pak’s response to the dossier… or waiting for another 26/11 to make the next move …or just being cautious so that it’s once again Obama who needs to make the first move and others will follow.

And now with the Obama administration, Pakistan has been warned that the flow of non-military aid to the country will be made conditional. This move is a part of Obama’s first foreign policy and to bring about accountability in Pakistan, a country that is reluctant to fight terrorism. Reported figure says that $55 million aid to Pakistan has been withheld by Obama administration.

President Obama…. Please hear the cry of the far-off lands too as you take decisions on International Terrorism and Pakistan.

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