Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope of Change as Obama delivers his inaugural speech

My blog had posts of Hilary Rodham Clinton running for the Presidential election, there was few knocks and punches of words that found space in my thoughts and hence in my writing between Mc. Cain and Barack Obama as they raced for their seat in White House and finally when it was President elect Barack Obama won an overwhelming victory, I chose to write few lines on people’s expectations of a change.

And today when the 44th President of United States of America takes oath, the whole world looks up to him with a ray of hope for streak of changes that would leave an indelible mark in the lives of millions and especially on the ailing US economy.

From Cuba to China from Kongolo to Japan all is geared up to witness a historic moment in the international arena, only showcasing the fact that there is no geographical barrier to celebration. And what an appeal the man has made with his true statesmanship.

Kongolo being Obama’s birth place will soon witness a transformation into a great tourist hot-spot. And do you know even in Japan, the name is selling and people are making money? Yes, in the land of the rising sun, several hundred thousand masks of Obama is being sold as the inauguration has generated scintillating senses of excitement even amidst deep feeling of insecurity.

As Barack Obama takes his oath on the Bible used by Abraham Lincoln, speculation on the content of his speech is far too many. According to him the road ahead would be long and the climb would be steep but he says “Its not a day to pause and reflect-it’s a day to act”

So said, with an inspiring life story of Barack Obama and his great oratorical ability to instill and infuse confidence into the hearts and minds of millions, he is inheriting a weak global staggering economy, innumerable cases of bankruptcy, aftermath of war, nuclear proliferation to climate change…

Here are we on the other side of the subcontinent waiting for the wave of Change to engulf one and all for a better and brighter tomorrow.

1 comment:

Aruna Sreeram said...

Yes, hope is in the air with Obama taking oath. "We are ready to lead once more" uttered by him filled in a sense of confidence in every US citizen. I am one to follow the sequences of Obama's white house proceedings. Keep posting good ones like these!