Saturday, January 24, 2009

National Girl Child Day-A Satirical Thought?

New-born girls thrown into dustbin, malnutrition, female foeticide, unequal education rights to girl child in comparison to boys, restricting her thoughts just because she is born a girl. In every way, everybody wants to earn from a girl child just because it is still considered in this land of billion populations a burden, a liability and above all a curse…

What are we doing to change the minds of this people who trade girls as a breeding stock to feed their hungry mouth and filthy minds? One need not to go to a theater and spend some bucks to watch a horror movie, just take a sneak-peek into domestic violence and everyday torture that a girl child bore in her daily living.

Its been 61 years that we have gained independence from the slavery of British Rule but we are still in the shackles of selfish thoughts, cruelest ideas and gruesome motives. India represents the poorest child-sex ratio. As an emerging economy with technological advancement and growing popularity, we are institutionalizing a day as National Girl Child Day when we retrospect what we have done and then we make some five-year plans to make it happen in black and white…. Ridiculous ain’t it?

There is a celebration of Valentine day, Mother’s day and Father’s day and now with respect to National Girl Child Day on 24th January, Archies will launch their daughter’s day campaign. Wow! What a way to strike the right emotional chord and make few bucks in name of a Girl Child.

Do you know why our slugabed politicians chose 24th January as National Girl Child Day… Just because to commemorate the date as on this day Indira Gandhi was sworn in as the first woman Prime Minister of India. Since then and till now what has changed…??

A question that is answered with several statistics and innumerable numbers such as there has been an increase in the girl child enrolment in education institution, there has been improvement in dismal sex ratio, there are upward trend in decreasing female foeticide…. Ironical are these statistical figures when the reality strikes you hard either through a happening in the next door or you read about a girl child found abandoned in pile of dust and heap of wastes.

It exists at all levels of the society and the growing concern is that it is not a direct consequence of poverty or illiteracy; it is the mindset of individuals. And it is my personal opinion that declaring a National Girl Child Day is not enough and neither it’s a starting point. It only highlights the fake promises and the meaningless actions.

It is the Girl Child only who can save another Girl Child…
Simply let there be a refusal to be born…
Let a Gay society emerge and let us silently see its consequence and a death of a Nation.

So do not save a Girl Child by paying a tribute in a National Girl Child Day….
Let the girl in a mother-in-law helps realize the girl in a daughter-in-law not to give birth and
Do not Save Me because I am a Girl Child….
Let me Dream because I am a Child !!!

1 comment:

Ritika said...

What a post!! Frankly speaking I am not finding words in english to express what I am feeling right now!! Too many things going through my mind..

Humko gussa bhi aa raha hai.. I am feeling lucky also..

Gussa isliye aa raha hai kyunki to an extent ladkiyan khud hi zimmedar hain iske liye!! When mother-in-laws ask for dowry, fir Bolne k liye kuch bachta hi nahi hai.. Aur kisiko blame karne ka man bhi nahi karta hai.
And after a point in time girls start considering themselves a burden..

It makes me feel sick when an IAS officer demands a dowry of 1 crore.. and calls himself a civil servant..

Surprising but very true that on this issue an educated or an uneducated man/woman doesn't act differently.

And there is so much of dikhava.. there is so much of double standards in our society!! On one hand they say women are considered as goddess, on the other hand they are burnt alive, they are denied the right to life.

I have been a witness to so many instances when parents come with their hands folded and ask their daughter's teacher to pass her in exam because she needs to get married and all the education was only to get her married.. When an executive in a reputed company wants his daughter-in-law to follow 'purdah-system'.

I have also been a witness to a situation when a totally uneducated lady(Someone who can't read and write) asking her daughter to study, to be something in life..

I can relate my self to the post 'You are Blessed'. I feel lucky to have got the best possbile things in life.. When I was born, my dad went to temple, and guess what the pandit ji there told him.."kyunki ladki hui hai isliye main 50 rupaye lunga, agar ladka hota to 100 rupaye leta", and my dad replied "aap 200 rupaye lo". And thats the reason i feel lucky!!

I feel there is no harm in celebrating 'national girl child's day'.. But what is harmful is only celebrating this day and doing nothing else.. What I feel I can do about it is not be a part of this gruesome act and try that my relatives are not a part of it..

I know the comment is too lengthy!!:)